NBAN meeting

NBAN - The Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network

The Nordic-Baltic Assitej Network (NBAN) promotes Theatre for Young Audiences in our region

Pitching artists at Bibu 2024

Check out all the Nordic and Baltic artists and companies presenting their work in the two pitching sessions during this year's Bibu festival. See the Bibu program for times & access information.

Contacts for each National ASSITEJ centre

Larus Vilhjalmsson


Larus Vilhjalmsson

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Marek Demjanov


Marek Demjanov

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Amalie Ørum Hansen


Amalie Ørum Hansen

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Birute Baneviciute

ASSITEJ Lithuania

Birute Baneviciute

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Niclas Malmcrona


Niclas Malmcrona

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Jānis Znotiņš


Jānis Znotiņš

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Tanja Turpeinen


Tanja Turpeinen

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Ingvild Lien


Ingvild Lien

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Open Call for Nordic-Baltic Artists: The NBAN-Pitch at BIBU 2024

Join us at the Swedish Performing Arts Festival BIBU in May 2024 for a dynamic showcase hosted by the Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Network (NBAN). We invite performing artists/companies from the Nordic-Baltic region to present their works in a vibrant pitching-event for international programmers and potential collaborators.

NBAN pitching event

  • 8 artists/companies - One from each Nordic-Baltic country.
  • Each pitch 5 minutes, with a 1-minute turnover.
  • You can pitch using a presentation format of your own choice.
  • Followed by a mingle and networking session.

NBAN speed pitch

  • 8 artists/companies - one from each Nordic-Baltic country.
  • Each pitch 5 minutes, with a 1-minute turnover.
  • The format is more conversational. You can show photos and video using your own devise.

How to apply

  • Fill out the form which will ask you to include a company/performance presentation, a motivational letter for international touring and Nordic-Baltic ambition, and a video of the performance to be pitched, ready for touring.
  • Submission deadline: January 17th, 2024
  • Remember to select if you want to be considered for both or just one of the pitching sessions (you can only be selected to do one, not both).


  • Each selected company/artist will receive a grant to covertravel, accommodation, and per diems.
  • Only 1 person representing the company/artist will be sponsored.

If selected, you will receive

  • Zoom preparation meeting with participants.
  • Aid with further funding application.
  • One-to-one sessions for perfecting your presentation.
  • Venue and tech-check before the festival, dress rehearsal.
  • Video-presentation of all the companies being presented.
  • Opportunity to pitch to international programmers and potential collaborators.

Application form


MAY - Bibu - Sweden

Bibu - 15-18 May 2024 in Helsingborg, Sweden

The Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Network collaborates with Bibu to create a big Nordic-Baltic gathering of performing artists in TYA in our region.

At Bibu, NBAN will host pitching and networking events. The pitching artists have already been selected, but other networking events are open to everyone.

If you're interested in expanding your Nordic-Baltic network and experience a big TYA festival in the south of Sweden, we recommend going to Bibu this year. You're welcome to contact your national ASSITEJ centre (see contact info above) for more information about attending Bibu.

MAY/JUNE - ASSITEJ World Congress - Cuba
Voices of a New World: 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival 2024

The Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Network will have a strong presence in the upcoming congress in Havana, Cuba. Most of the national ASSITEJ centres are sending delegations, and we can help artists from our countries with advice on how to apply for funding to attend the congress.
